Do it well and make it know
The expression “do it well and make it know ” defines the Public Relations mission (RRPP) better than any other, apart from being a crucial concept for communication in organizations.
The axiom combines two ideas: “doing” and “saying“, the first being fundamental, which implies the fulfillment of the company’s objectives through activities that reflect ethics, values, strategy and are concretized in products and services that should offer benefits to users who purchase them.
On this basis, what is being “said” is sustained through the communication to different audiences, both internal and external, and through various media. As in an iceberg, 90% is to do it well and the remaining 10% to make it known.
Public Relations is the key to answering questions like:
-. What do I do to make people listen to me, so that they know who I am.
-. How to communicate what I do better than my competition.
-. What to do when a situation of crisis or conflict arises.
-. How to improve my image as a company and enhance its values, its culture.
These issues and many others are solved through actions of RRPP, an alternative accessible to all types of companies, from multinationals to SMEs. In addition, because the reputation of a company is generated by its corporate reality, not by communication as effective as it may be, these actions are strategic in nature, since they condition the way the company presents itself in the market, in society, and when managed correctly affect decision making positively, providing beneficial results in the internal and external scopes of companies.
Consistency between saying and doing
In high school I had a teacher who told us about the action, often repeating his axiom “I say it and I do it“. He was referring to the need to act, not to remain alone in the desire. Likewise, in the PR environment, consistency between what is said and what is done is fundamental. Our actions communicate, they speak for us, but also what we do not say or do not do, so that showing coherence between all these situations (what is said and what is done, what is not said and not done) is the expectations of the public and deserve their credibility and trust. Trust is built on credibility, and credibility is based on concrete facts.
Today, trust is considered a strategic value, with the potential to provide strong and sustainable competitive advantage over time, something more necessary than ever in an era in which organizations suffer from credibility crises.
A long run race
The difference between Public Relations and other communication disciplines lies in their ability to implement short-, medium- and long-term strategies that result in solving internal and external issues/problems of companies. PR professionals, unlike journalists, do not report (or not only), but exert their influence. The objective is to explain in order to convince, unlike advertising, that is direct and interprets. The PR professional is a “content facilitator“: he works the information so that communication takes place. This implies giving PRs a new role beyond the mere communications integrated into marketing, generating a holistic vision that links PR with the directive function. As a consequence of this, entities increasingly confer this value on this function, becoming a factual power.
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